What Vegetables Can Guppies Eat?

Here’s what you’ll learn today: what vegetables can guppies eat, and

What vegetables CAN’T guppies eat (cause it’ll hurt/ kill them)

Few tips on what to feed guppies when you’re out of food

TL;DR Summary

What Vegetables Can Guppies Eat

Guppies can eat spinach, cucumber, peas, carrots, and zucchini. It’s easiest to thread them on a skewer so they sink to the bottom and are easy to remove. Feed those raw or blanched in hot water for 30-60 seconds. Peas can help relieve constipation in guppies. 

Guppy Diet and Dietary Needs

Guppies are omnivorous fish, meaning they require a mix of plant and animal-based foods to thrive.

Since guppies are considered tropical fish, their diet requires a high portion of protein. These are some of the reasons we feed them brine shrimp, bloodworms, and commercial food designed for tropical fish.

With that said, guppies will eat pretty much everything that comes their way. As long as they can fit their mount around it- they’ll eat it. And if they can’t fit their mouth around it- they’ll try. 

What Vegetables Guppies Can Eat? 5 Options

Since now you’re basically an expert when it comes to guppies’ dietary needs, you probably know that in the wild guppies are known to munch on plants as well.

Zucchini in a fish tank. Zucchini is one a the vegetables guppies can eat.


Spinach is one of the most popular vegetables guppies can eat. Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and calcium, spinach can be blanched and finely chopped before feeding to your guppies.

This leafy green vegetable is highly beneficial for their overall health.

If you opt for spinach, you’d have to blend it into bite-size pieces so your guppies can eat it.  You can add egg yolk into the mixture, which they adore. 


Peas are another on the list of what vegetables can guppies eat. They are an excellent source of fiber and contain vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like potassium.

Cooked and de-skinned peas can be mashed or finely chopped to make them more easily consumable for guppies.


Cucumbers are hydrating and low in calories.

They provide vitamins K and C, as well as trace amounts of other essential nutrients.

Sliced or diced cucumbers can be added to the aquarium, ensuring they are thoroughly washed to remove any potential contaminants.

To “serve” cucumbers to your guppies, simply slice them into 1-inch pieces and stick a toothpick or a skewer through them.

Use the skewer to hold the slice cucumbers as your guppies munch on it. 


Zucchini is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber.

It can be blanched or lightly steamed before being offered to your guppies.

Slicing it into thin rounds or small pieces makes it easier for them to eat.

To feed your guppies, follow the same process that you would as if it was a cucumber


Carrots are a nutritious vegetable that can be fed to guppies in small quantities.

They are rich in beta-carotene, which is beneficial for their immune system and overall health.

To feed your guppies carrots grate or finely chop a small piece of carrot and offer it to the guppies as a treat.

What Vegetables Can Guppies Eat- The Forbidden

While many vegetables can be beneficial for guppies, there are some that should be avoided as they may be hazardous or pose a risk to their health.

These include:

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic belong to the Allium family of plants, which contain compounds that can damage the red blood cells of fish, leading to a condition called hemolytic anemia.

This can result in weakness, lethargy, reduced oxygen-carrying capacity, and potentially even death.

They also contain compounds can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and disrupt the fish’s normal digestive processes.

That can lead to gastrointestinal distress, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea in guppies.

Side Note

I have heard about a lady who was able to heal her guppy’s dropsy by placing her in a quarantine tank and incorporating garlic into her diet. Since dropsy is pretty much a death sentence, it didn’t hurt to try. But I wouldn’t feed garlic as part of a normal diet. 


Potatoes are high in starch, which is not easily digestible by guppies. That could lead to bloating and constipation. They are also relatively low in essential nutrients required by guppies.

While they do contain some vitamins and minerals, these are not present in significant quantities.

And lastly, feeding potatoes to guppies can contribute to poor water quality in the aquarium. As the potatoes break down, they release organic compounds and can increase the levels of ammonia and nitrate in the water. 

Can (and should?) Guppies Eat Goldfish Food?
Learn From My Mistake

Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits are highly acidic which can disrupt the pH balance of their digestive tract, leading to digestive problems, including irritation and inflammation.

They also contain essential oils which can be harmful to guppies. 

These oils can cause skin and mucous membrane irritation, leading to discomfort and potential health issues. 

Ingesting citrus fruit or its juice can result in adverse reactions in guppies, including inflammation of the digestive system and respiratory distress.

And last, it can also have an impact on the water quality of the aquarium. 

As the fruits decompose they will end up increasing the levels of ammonia and nitrate in the tank.

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