How to Sex Guppies
Whether you’re breeding guppies or in the process of getting your first tank- here are a few proven ways on how to sex guppies. Telling the difference between male and female isn’t complicated, so without a long intro- let’s dive in.
Male Guppy

Female Guppy

5 Different Ways To Sex Guppies
The Fail Safe Way- The Anal Fin
If you’re disappointed I didn’t say size and shape- bear with me.
There are over 50 different types of guppies. There are feeder guppies, fancy guppies, breeder guppies- the list goes on and on.
Some have colorful females, others have pretty basic-looking males.
The most sure way to figure out whether they are male or female is to look at their anal fin.
Females- Triangular Anal Fin

Females have a triangular anal fin.
Next let’s look at a male
Males- Flat Anal Fin

Males have a rather flat anal fin (which is actually their penis, that has a hook at the end of it, which connects to the female’s gravid spot as they mate)
Notice that in this example the female has prettier colors, a more impressive tail and pretty much every indication we had would lead us to the wrong conclusion.
Example 1: Can You Sex Those Guppies?

In this case, we have 2 female guppies.
Their anal fins are triangular- which is the strongest indication that they are females.
Look at the dark spot to the left of their tails in the picture above.
See that dark spot?
That’s the gravid spot. In this picture, both guppies are also pregnant. Mazal tov.
We’ll cover the gravid spot in a later section.
Example 2: Are Those Males or Females?

If you answered all males- you are right! The guppies in this picture all have a flat anal fin, meaning they are males.
Ok, now that we’ve got the anal fin we can look at additional ways you can sex guppies and tell their genders apart.
How To Sex Guppies With Their Gravid Spot
And What's a Gravid Spot, Anyway?
I’ll be honest with y’all, all the explanations I found about a gravid spot were really complicated.
To avoid going down a rabbit hole of marine biology, please accept this following explanation:

That makes it very easy for us to differentiate between males and females.
Let’s take a closer look at a couple of examples to illustrate the point
Example 1: Is this a gravid spot?

In this example, we have a male guppy. While he looks very full- as if he was a pregnant female – he is actually just fat.
The dark spot on his stomach is not a gravid spot, but a mark. You can also notice his flat anal fin which indicates he is a male.
Males sometimes can get very bloated when they have guppy dropsy.
Example 2: What about this one?

This example is a female.
Notice how her gravid spot is closer to the bottom of her body.
You can also spot that she is pretty puffed up, has a triangular anal fin and a back fin that is more consistent with the typical female.
The Difference In Colors Between Male and Female Guppies
I know you’ve been waiting for this section all along as it would have been easiest to just glance at them.
While telling the difference between male and female guppies is possible by simply looking at them- it is not highly accurate.
The male’s fins- mainly the tail fin, tend to be larger and more flamboyant. When you think about “fancy guppies” or “beautiful guppies” you often think about males.
On the flip side, female guppies usually have duller colors are their fins are generally smaller and less elaborate compared to the males.
Males are also a lot slimmer and narrower than females. They also tend to be smaller in size compared to females.
Females will usually be bigger, and have a rounder, fuller body than the males.

Telling Guppies Sex Apart With The Fins
Observing the behavior and courtship displays of guppies can also provide clues to determine their sex.
Male guppies are known for their active and energetic behavior, often displaying courtship rituals to attract female attention. They may perform elaborate displays such as “flaring” their fins, chasing females, and performing quick darting movements to showcase their vibrant colors.
On the other hand, female guppies typically exhibit more passive and reserved behavior, focusing on foraging and seeking shelter rather than engaging in flashy displays.
For the most part, your female gaffes will find comfort hiding in foliage and in other hiding places in the aquarium.
Bonus: How Guppy Males Behave VS. Females
Male guppies will usually have a different personality in the tank when compared to female guppies.
Male guppies are known for their active and energetic behavior, often displaying courtship rituals to attract female attention.
They’ll perform elaborate displays such as “flaring” their fins, chasing females, and performing quick darting movements to showcase their vibrant colors.
They’re a cross between a frat boy and a peacock.
On the other hand, female guppies typically exhibit more passive and reserved behavior, focusing on foraging and seeking shelter rather than engaging in flashy displays.
For the most part, your females will find comfort in hiding in foliage.
What's The Difference Between Wild Guppies And Pet Store Guppies?
Guppies bought from a pet store, or any other guppy that was born in captivity, will have visibly more vibrant colors.
The reason for this being is that guppies in captivity have been selectively bred to enhance their color.
Also, captive bread guppy males also have different tail shapes than guppies born in the wild. Some tail shapes, like lyre or delta tail are almost impossible to find in nature.
Read This If You Plan On Having Guppies
Guppies are water bunnies.
There’s an old say on the internet- if it’s a female guppy- then it’s pregnant.
They breed A LOT, and often.
Just as an idea- a small, 10-gallon tank will have about 5 females and 2 males. Each female will give birth to about 20 guppies every month.
Most of the fry will not survive- but prepare yourself for the need to part with unwanted fish.
How Soon Can You Sex Guppies
it’ll take about four weeks before the baby fry will start developing and the gender will start becoming observable.
Up until that point, they will all look exactly the same.
But once you reach the four-week mark this is where their anal fan and gravid spot will be developed enough in order for you to make a distinction
Best Male To Female Ratio
It is recommended that you keep one male copy to every two or three female guppies.
Male guppies get pretty excited during mating season and can get quite persistent with the females.
To make sure the females don’t get overwhelmed or exhausted make sure to provide plenty of hiding spaces for them- in the form of plants or aquarium decoration.
You can also choose to house the males and females in separate things as this will also allow both genders to find their peace.
Can I tell male and female guppy fry apart at one week old?
The short answer is no.
The long answer is yes, but it’s not gonna be very simple or straightforward.
You’ll need to get a magnifying glass and a flashlight and you’re gonna use those to try to find the gravid spot. If you’re able to find a gravid spot- congratulations, it’s a female!