TL;DR Short Version

Guppies And Shrimp

Guppies and shrimp make great tankmates. All types of dwarf shrimp, be it cherry shrimp, blue shrimp or ghost shrimp can peacefully and sustainably live with guppies. 

They occupy different levels of the tank, have very peaceful tempers, and eat the same food. But to make the tank last, you have to provide plenty of hiding spaces- specifically caves. Guppies will eat shrimp given the change, and caves allow shrimp to hide and ensure longevity. 

Guppy And What Kind Of Shrimp?

Guppies and Cherry Shrimp

I had a great experience keeping red shrimp and guppies together in a 20-gallon tank. 

Originally I added the shrimp to help maintain the water. But once I saw the harmony between the 2 I made sure to include them in other tanks as well. 

The main benefit of keeping the pair together is that they are both relatively low-maintenance fish. Guppies are very hardy and easy to care for, and red shrimp are also relatively low-maintenance compared to some other types of shrimp.  

Did You Know?

Shrimp are not considered a fish but a crustacean because they have jointed legs, a hard shell and no backbone.

Ghost Shrimp and Guppies

Ghost shrimp are best kept with guppies if you are an absolute beginner. They get along perfectly, and they are the hardiest of the dwarf shrimp family. That means they are the least sensitive to water conditions, unlike the blue and red shrimps.

Ghost shrimp are also slightly larger than the other 2, and can be a little more temperamental towards other shrimp when molting. 

If you are planning on keeping shrimp with guppies for water quality purposes, they will do just fine.

Can Blue Shrimp Live With Guppies

Blue shrimp and guppies can definitely live together. We’ve mentioned that they are a little bit more sensitive to water conditions compared to ghost shrimp, but all shrimp are pretty hardy overall. 

Also, sometimes pictures don’t tell the full story- they are very vibrant. They are beautiful in a tank with some guppies and good lighting. 

Can Guppies And Shrimp Live Together

Shrimp and guppies can definitely live together, as long as the following conditions are met:

  • You make sure to feed the shrimp too and do not expect them to eat the poop of the bottom.
  • You provide them with caves to hide. This isn’t expensive or anything, but guppies are predators and will eat shrimp given the change. 

Will Guppies Eat Shrimp?

Yes- and they don’t even need sauce. 

The reason guppies eat shrimp is that guppies will eat pretty much everything their mouth will fit around. Guppies eat vegetables and commercial food but given the chance, they’ll eat shrimp too. 

To make sure your guppies don’t attack your shrimp you’ll want to provide your shrimp with some shrimp-specific hiding spaces. 

We cover all of that in detail down the line. 

Guppies And Shrimp Breeding

Pregnant Ghost shrimp holding her fry shortly before birth

Shrimp, just like guppies, are prolific breeders and can reproduce readily in a well-maintained aquarium.

Unlike many other shrimp species, they carry their eggs on their abdomen until the eggs hatch into miniature shrimplets. This unique characteristic makes it all the more fun to watch and experience. 

To encourage successful breeding, you’ll need to provide a stable and suitable environment with plenty of hiding spots for the shrimplets to find refuge. 

Dwarf shrimp do not require any special breeding rituals; they will naturally mate and reproduce in the right conditions.

Guppies And Shrimp Together

Same Diet

Shrimp are omnivorous creatures, meaning they are down for both vegetables and live proteins. 

They are efficient algae eaters in your aquarium, which plays a key role in keeping your tank balanced.

See, algae grow when you give it light. And you need light not only for the guppies but also for your tank plants. Plants will not only make your guppies happy and tank pretty, but they will use up toxic nitrate as a nutrient and help oxygenate the tank.

One effective way to combat the algae is to introduce shrimp.

Additionally, they will eagerly consume a variety of commercial shrimp foods, such as pellets, flakes, and granules.

Algae is usually a green or brown blurry fuzz on tank walls

To provide a well-rounded diet, supplement their diet with occasional blanched vegetables like spinach, zucchini, or cucumber. In simple words- they eat virtually what your guppies eat.

Peaceful and Social Coexistence

Both fish (and crustaceans, because I know you’ve been following!) are known as generally peaceful habitats. 

Unless your guppies are stressed or hungry, guppies will not attack or pick fights with your shrimp. Shrimp will most likely never think that starting a fight is even possible.

Aesthetic Appeal

The combination of guppies and shrimp creates a visually stunning aquarium.

One thing I like to do is set up a tank with a dark substrate, some wooden elements (like driftwood), and a lot of bright green plants. Then you add a dramatic spotlight on top of the tank and add both blue and red shrimp.

Natural Algae Control

Shrimp play a vital role in maintaining the tank’s cleanliness. They are exceptional algae grazers, tirelessly working to keep algae growth in check.

Their constant foraging helps prevent algae from overtaking the tank, creating a healthier and more balanced ecosystem. They are also perfect at picking up leftover food so it doesn’t raise the ammonia.

The Secrets To Longevity

Shrimp-Specific Hiding Spaces

This is probably the 1 and only rule to make the relationship last forever.

Your shrimp are going to need a hiding space where your guppies can’t get to them. This will allow them to relieve their stress and feel safe to reproduce.

Shrimp-specific hiding cave. To make guppies and shrimp compatible, you'll need to include hiding spaces where guppies can't get to the shrimp
Side Note

While you don’t want your guppies reproducing like bunnies because of overcrowding, letting your shrimp go is actually quite ok. In a way, you’re counting on your shrimp to reproduce to keep the population alive.

Overfeeding Is Welcome

Now, I’m not saying you should just dump a whole container full of food in the tank and all it good. 

If this is your first tank, you may not know that leftover fish food can alter water quality. In a nutshell, leftover food decomposes and creates ammonia- which can not only kill your fish but give them an ammonia burn as well.

But what I am saying is that when you have shrimp, you don’t have to siphon the water and clean it as often as you would without them.

Prevent Aggression by "Overfeeding"

If there was to be an aggressive party- it would be the guppies. While guppies aren’t aggressive fish, I have seen them misbehave when hungry or stressed. 

To avoid any funny business, I would just be a little more generous with my fish food. While I know I recommended in other articles to only feed what they can eat in 2-3 minutes, but since your shrimp need to eat too, I would be just a bit more generous. 


Both make great tank mates. They play a big role in setting up a tank to be proud of, work together to keep the tank clean and are overall very compatible. 

To guarantee longevity, make sure to feed both accordingly and provide your shrimp with specific hiding places where guppies can’t get to them. 

Now that you have that knowledge under your belt- I want to hear from you:

In what part of the process are you? Are you setting up your first tank, or are you adding one into another tank?

Let me know in the comment!

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