Best TDS For Guppies

What are the best TDS for guppies, and is even TDS to start with? 

If you’re new to the hobby you may not know about TDS. In short, TDS are total dissolved solids, which is a trendy way of saying chemicals in the water + fish poop.

All in all, measuring your TDS will help you know when to change water and how much. 

In this short article, I’ll teach you about the best TDS for guppies and how to keep them in the optimal range. 

TL;DR Summary

Best TDS For Guppies

Measuring your TDS will help you decide when to change water and how much of it. 

The best TDS for guppies is between 200-300.

To measure the Total Dissolved Solids in your tank, use a TDS meter.

What is Guppy TDS

TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids. It's a measure of the total concentration of inorganic and organic substances dissolved in water.

If you’re wondering what are those mysterious “organic and inorganic substances” that I’m taking about, think about the following:

  • Minerals 
  • Salts
  • Metals
  • Fish poop
  • Leftover Food

In a nutshell, TDS provides you with an overall snapshot of the water’s purity and its chemical composition.

How To Measure Your Guppy's TDS Levels

I like working with TDS simply because it’s a relatively straightforward process.

All you need is a simple TDS Meter meter.

Using it it very simple- just follow those 4 steps:

  1. Calibrate Your TDS Meter: Before using it for the first time, calibrate your TDS meter according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

  2. Prepare Your Sample: Take a sample of the aquarium water in a clean container. Ensure the sample is free from debris or contaminants.

  3. Insert the TDS Meter: Submerge the TDS meter’s probe into the water sample, making sure it’s fully immersed.

  4. Read the Measurement: The TDS meter will provide a digital readout of the TDS level in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/L).

Best TDS For Guppies Range

The ideal TDS range for guppies generally falls between 200 to 300 ppm. However, some guppy enthusiasts may prefer slightly lower or higher levels depending on their specific needs and the origin of their guppy strains. Always research your guppy variety to ensure the TDS is appropriate for their natural habitat.

How to Maintain The Best TDS For Guppies Range

  • Regular Water Changes: Performing routine water changes with dechlorinated water can help regulate TDS levels.

  • Quality Food: Feeding your guppies high-quality food can minimize the introduction of unwanted substances into the tank.

  • Live Plants: Live aquatic plants can help regulate TDS by absorbing and filtering excess nutrients.

  • Avoid Overfeeding: Overfeeding can contribute to elevated TDS levels. Ensure your guppies consume their food within a few minutes, removing any uneaten portions.

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